Links of the day - 22nd March 2018
The "Make Everything Better" Button - Terence Eden But every time I get a perky email from my smoke-alarm telling me how wonderful it is, I want to rip it from my wall. Do your job and leave me alone. So, dear app designers, refrain from sending constant,
Posted on March 23 2018
Embracing the development of CRUD
The software world wants to make it seem like CRUD isn't real software development. It's not "sexy". We need to have a conversation about how this attitude is damaging the software world as a whole.
Posted on March 22 2018
I hate cut shots
Directors today make cheap choices. This isn't too long a post. It is about something I could go on at length, but I'd rather stick to what I wanted to say. I watch TV shows and Movies and I keep getting frustrated at how erratically shots
Posted on March 21 2018
A long month and a half
Between being robbed and a major city of a country witnessing riots, I'm trying to decide what's next. On January 30th, I woke up at my usual 4 45 AM and went into my office room. I start work early usually so I can take a
Posted on March 19 2018
Little actions that disturb momentum
Also, how I manipulate social gatherings in Sri Lanka :D We've all been at that gathering. People keep talking to each other. But it's late. And everyone wants to go home. But no one says they want to go home. So the conversation starts up again.
Posted on March 07 2018
Lessons from war time by an '88 born
How we know all the lessons but have learned nothing. As infants, we were born into a country embroiled in war. Where previously peaceful neighbours were now mistrustful of each other. Just a few years before we were born, our parents and those who were only children witnessed shops being
Posted on March 07 2018
A promotional scream
What it looks like when companies demand your attention A follow up to my post about real promotions Daily spam which I now swipe away as soon as I see it coming in. If your team has the resources to create marketing spam like this, then it has the resources
Posted on March 05 2018
Real promotions are the opposite of screaming.
They are soft. Subtle. And sustainable. You know it's the end of the month in Sri Lanka now when all the ecommerce outfits and other businesses doing SMS marketing start sending in deals to try and boost sales to meet sales targets. What you may not know is
Posted on March 03 2018
Cleaning up my tabs
On trying to maintain focus by keeping my browser tabs to a minimum. I'm starting an experiment. By almost any measure, I'd be considered a power user of browser software. I use some of the edgiest features that are hidden behind feature flags. I know the
Posted on February 26 2018
My first entrepreneurial venture
A long time ago, as a school going child, I started my first and only ever entrepreneurial venture: selling friendship bracelets. This is a walk down that lane of memory's many streets.
Posted on February 23 2018
Sent as received
Why "sent as received" is not a valid excuse.
Posted on February 20 2018
Kylo Ren Mini Blocks
A photo log of blocky solo Decided to do this after I started. So here is the current status February 18th 2018 14:18 I promise this will look fine at some point. And the head is done. Kylos brain is functional.
Posted on February 18 2018
Reflections on 2017
Contents: When clicking on the links, it'll be necessary to scroll up a little again because it doesn't quite jump to the right spot. * Social Issues * Gender equality * Learning from history * Listening to minorities * Reflections on work and software * On the arrogance of youth * The importance
Posted on January 26 2018
Peeking into a taxi app - Security findings.
A friend of mine who's working on a taxi app asked me to take a look at it and give feedback. From my end, I want to take a slightly deeper look into the app and see what I can find. January 9th 2018 10:05 As with
Posted on January 09 2018
Farewell piracy. The future hath (almost) come
If you want to skip all the story and find out what services I use, scroll down to the services list :) Have you read The Oatmeal's comic on pirating game of thrones? If you don't want to click that link I can give you the gist
Posted on August 11 2017
Recording my life on or offline - Why is it so hard?
I like to think of myself as someone who has been exceptionally into the landscape of social media. I've kept track of nearly every social media network since the days where you'd see a new photo sharing app show up every week. It was an amazing
Posted on July 03 2017
Beauty and the Beast (2017): Quick Thoughts
Watched Beauty and the Beast last night. I cannot for the life of me fathom what the hype was all about. A few things about the movie stood out: * Whatever good about the movie rested on the shoulders of a few good actors. Gaston and Le Fou's characters
Posted on June 30 2017
Comcast cuts competitors cables to put it out of business
Ars Technica released an article today titled - Comcast accused of cutting competitor’s wires to put it out of business. Comcast "systematically destroyed" an ISP with 229 customers, lawsuit claims. It's hard not to get angry about the state of affairs these days. As a
Posted on June 23 2017
Recaps and Reviews - Planet of the apps S01E02
Spoiler warning - Discussing full episode ahead Note - If you've watched the episode already, you might want to skip to my comments section for each app that was showcased. Everything before that is mostly a recap with some of my feelings added. After a fairly enjoyable first
Posted on June 20 2017
Telling a story
"Feel like this sentence could have been written better". "Whoops! Typo". "Grammar error. Could we use a better word here?". Many years ago a large part of my time was spent on DeviantArt. A site where artists, vandals, and the vulgar can all come
Posted on June 15 2017