Diversifying the voice
There are a number of interests I have. Most of these are cultural. I love engaging in philosophical questions. Exploring art, movies, filmography. Everyday I try to pick up a new knowledge piece and generally I'll share that with my wife or my friend Yudhanjaya as a discussion.
Posted on June 09 2017
A little rabbithole found: Language X is like Language Y
I chanced upon Kotlin is like Typescript today via this HN thread It feels like it's mostly a parody of sorts but I wanted to take a look at the repo. And discovered a lovely little line of where the idea actually derived from Kotlin is like Typescript
Posted on May 19 2017
First exercise ride ever
For the first time I cycled as a pure form of exercise and it was fun :D . I also did some rough stats yesterday which will be fun to share later
Posted on May 19 2017
The dumb down of Captain America: Civil War
I watched Captain America: Civil War with my wife last night. These days I'm reading the entire civil war storyline comics as well. I don't expect Hollywood to be able to capture the magnitude of the event and the enormous number of characters involved in the
Posted on April 10 2017
Album of the day: Recovery by Eminem
There's something about the aggressive flow of this album and the throwback to Eminem talking smack about his insane way with words and rhythm. Gets me pumped up so hard. Favourite song of the album has to be Cinderella man. Just the way it connects with the first
Posted on February 20 2017
Pocket's new tab recommendations: A question in core
Imagine you created a tool to help people save time. Along the way you go ahead and add some form of gamification and a social layer to allow people to challenge their friends in productivity. Engagement is through the roof! As you pull out the analytics to decide what move
Posted on January 24 2017
Achieving zero digital distractions: A year of hard work
How does the alcoholics anonymous group meeting start? "I am ... and I am an alcoholic"? This is my story. I'm not an alcoholic. I never touched the stuff, and never will. But I've been an addict to something as potent for a long time.
Posted on January 15 2017
Moving to Ghost
Starting on a technical note. Scroll down to the next section if you want to skip the techie stuff A couple of years ago I discovered the idea of a static site being used to power a normal website where content need not be dynamic. To put this a little
Posted on January 12 2017
Coffee Shop Chats Part 1: "I'm Irrelevant, and that's ok"
"What's your greatest fear?" he asked me. I looked up as he poured the contents of the cold drip bottle into the waiting glass below. The thick dark liquid becoming a delicious coffee brown as it spread through the milk and ice cubes. "Irrelevancy"
Posted on March 24 2016
I really want to build an open twitter like network
I recently wrote a post about how I learnt a lesson in blogging from Dave Winer. Gist of it was that I was artificially limiting myself in blogging by refusing to publish posts that were quick thoughts. I took some time to reflect on why that was and realised that
Posted on January 11 2016
I love how Dave Winer blogs
I've been a long time reader of Dave Winer's blog. Dave Winer for those of you who don't know was the original blogger of the world. A lot of the open internet and the spreading of information through independent media, owes nearly everything to
Posted on January 10 2016
2015: My reflections on this year
2015 has been a long long year for me. Somehow 365 days has been stretched to feel like 2 times that. That's not a bad thing. I've enjoyed it immensely and I feel like I've grown so much more during this time. This is
Posted on January 01 2016
The disgusting levels of harassment women have to go through
Mandy J talks about the 'typical' harassment she receives DAILY along with the attire she was in when receiving. I have decided to document what I wear, and the responses I receive on the street. Because somehow, my word that I have received as much harassment wearing a
Posted on June 03 2015